No more standing on ceremony

It’s just like the way I am with a brand new notebook. It takes me days to figure out what to write on the second page (because for some reason, I always leave the first page blank). When I finally come up with something, I end up erasing or even tearing out the pages. Then I start anew.

It’s not that I am, as one of my friends wrote, ‘paralyzed by criticisms yet to be made about a piece I have yet to write’.  It’s simpler, and also the reason why I don’t have a Facebook account. I am not one for  oversharing on the world wide web.  That’s what soap operas and friends (please don’t be offended by the comparison, you know I need my literary devices) are for, and even then, only to a certain degree. So, forgive the lack of literary genius, or at least wait for it, because if I don’t start with this, I probably would end up not starting at all.

Peace and more peace.

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